Saturday, October 23, 2010

Hello Ladies!

     So pretty much just about everyone I know blogs. Me? The closest I've come to blogging was almost 6 years ago on Myspace.  Random Ramblings was more like it. Fast forward 5 1/2 years later , with a husband and a beautiful 2 1/2 year old daughter (actually almost 3) and here I am. Ready for something a little more..... upper class. LOL. 

     I don't even know where to begin!  Here is the short of it!  I was born in Long Island but spent most of my life in NC. I worked in the mental health field for about 8 years total and loved every minute of it. There is something so rewarding about it. My husband and I have been together for almost 6 years. We met while he was stationed at Cherry Point, NC. In 2007 We moved to Oklahoma where he was born and raised. The same Dr. that delivered Jay, delivered our daughter, Tatiana.

      I am a stay at home mom now and I wouldn't have done it any other way. I love every minute I spend with her. Is it just me or is this generation so much more advanced then we were? Seriously! I am fascinated EVERY DAY! She teaches me more than I teach her! I love to cook and enjoy baking even more. Tatiana often tries to help me every chance she gets. I'm sure it's a phase for her just as it was for me. At her age, I was always wanting to help in the kitchen. By 5....... I just wanted to know what was for dinner! It wasn't until my early twenty's that I started to show any interest in cooking. Now, I absolutely love it!  I also enjoy decorating and planning things. Tatiana's birthday is my big project for the moment! I am planning a "Sweet Shoppe" theme. What 3 year old doesn't like sweets!?

      I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, I love music and  I am a hard core film buff. I should have gone into the business! Maybe someday! For now  I want to enjoy every minute I can with my baby!  When she turns 3, it's off to Preschool! I don't know what I am going to do with the free time! Good thing I signed up on this site, huh ? =)

      And there you have it ladies........ this is a sneak peak into my little slice of heaven. It may not seem as glamorous as others , but I love it!